is a marketing and advertising tool for models and photographers to display their professional pictures. Each model and photographer has their own personal webpage built to ensure that the whole world gets to see them. The models and photographers may link that page to their other websites. This link will also send more visitors to their own personal websites. also has links to other cigar sites so their visitors can order Premium Cigars, books about cigars and accessories from the Internet.
Sal Alfarone, the founder and designer of the site is very pleased with the amount of popularity that his young website has seen over the past few months. "I am pleased to say that I get many compliments on the quality of the models that we feature on I have turned down many models, because I want only the best and most beautiful models for the many cigarbabe fans out there".
Mr. Alfarone also has been shopping the 2003 swimsuit calendar around to cigar and tobacco companies that are interested in using it as a promotional tool for their products. He feels that this would be a smart marketing tool for both his website and the company that chooses to partner with the company.
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